Safe restart of travel is near

There is some exciting news for the safe reopening of travel in and out of Canada. The COVID-19 Testing and Screening Expert Advisory Panel recently released a report detailing how Canada’s border testing and quarantine measures should evolve.

The Panel breaks down travelers into five groups; full vaccinated, partially vaccinated, non-vaccinated, recovered from previous COVID infection, and exempt travelers. Below are some of the highlights of the Panel’s recommendations.

Fully Vaccinated

  • proof of full vaccination
  • no pre-departure test, quarantine, or day 7 test
  • a test at the border for monitoring

Partially Vaccinated

  • a PCR test 72 hour prior to departure or rapid test 24 hours prior to departure
  • a PCR test at the border or quarantine location (take home kit for land border)
  • travellers with negative test can leave quarantine


  • a PCR test 72 hour prior to departure or rapid test 24 hours prior to departure
  • a PCR test at the border or quarantine location (take home kit for land border)
  • a PCR test at day 7 of quarantine (if negative you can leave quarantine)
  • remain quarantined for 14 days if day 7 test is not taken

Recovery from Previous COVID-19 Infection

  • proof of infection and recovery between 14 and 180 days prior to entering Canada
  • a PCR test at the border or quarantine location (take home kit for land border)
  • travellers with negative test can leave quarantine

Exempt Travelers

  • voluntary PCR or rapid test collected away from border
  • continued surveillance

This is exciting news for the tourism industry and Canadians ready to travel safety. These are only recommendations and the Government of Canada can choose when and how such changes will be implemented.

The Government did welcome and thank the Panel for their recommendations and said, “The Government of Canada will continue to monitor and review all available data and scientific evidence to inform future border and travel measures, and will be prudent in its approach, keeping the health and safety of Canadians top of mind. The Government of Canada will also consider the Panel’s recommendations to determine how testing and quarantine strategies should evolve to address vaccination status.”

Good things are coming, and I am so excited for a robust and safe recovery of the travel industry and economy.

Photo by Benjamin Voros on Unsplash.

Tom Paul