Example IFR Radio Calls

Bellow are examples of some common IFR radio calls.

Obtain IFR Clearance:

C-FABC: Halifax clearance delivery, C-FABC looking for IFR clearance to Wabush.

ATC: C-FABC is cleared to Wabush, Halifax 3 departure, flight plan route, squak 1234.

C-FABC: C-FABC is cleared to Wabush, Halifax 3 departure, flight plan route, squak 1234.

ATC: Read-back correct, current altimeter is 29.92.

C-FABC: 29.92, check.


C-FABC: Halifax ground, C-FABC is ready for taxi.

ATC: C-FABC, taxi A, C, contact tower holding short 05.

C-FABC: Taxi A, C, contact tower holding short 05.


C-FABC: Halifax tower, C-FABC holding short in C.

ATC: C-FABC, winds are 040 at 6, contact terminal airborne 119.2, cleared take-off 05.

C-FABC: Terminal in the air, cleared take-off 05, C-FABC.


C-FABC: Halifax terminal, C-FABC with you, 2000 feet on the Halifax 3.

ATC: C-FABC, radar identified, climb FL230, cleared direct Wabush airport.

C-FABC: FL230 and direct Wabush, C-FABC.

C-FABC: Montreal, C-FABC is ready for lower.

ATC: C-FABC, descend 6000, Wabush altimeter is 29.92.

C-FABC: Descend 6000, altimeter 29.92, C-FABC.

Wabush Radio Pre-contact:

C-FABC: Wabush radio, C-FABC.

Wabush: C-FABC, Wabush radio.

C-FABC: We are FL230, 120 miles to the south, expecting the field in 25 minutes, looking for your current conditions.

Wabush: Current conditions at 0900Z, winds 360 at 12, visibility 15, clear sky, temperature 12, dew point 5, altimeter 29.92, preferred runway is 36, no reported traffic.

C-FABC: Check your remarks, talk to you in the hand-off, C-FABC.

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